About Us


Purpose and Mission

OVAN Ministries is a ministry/church without walls with a worldwide mission. We are here to build a spiritual platform that will support the 21 century Church and its followers.

Our mission is to reach lost souls by sharing the Word of God all over the world. We will send the Gospel of Jesus Christ over the World Wide Web through the different social media vehicles, such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We are committed to support those who feed and serve the homeless and support other ministries that are leading souls to Christ.

(Matthew 28:19-20. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age)."

Mission not impossible...

How are we going to do this?
1. Our main audience will be a virtual audience. We will start by sharing the Word of God on video messages (between 2-10 minutes long) with our Facebook, Twitter, and instagram friends. We will then ask our social media friends, if the message has blessed them, to share the video messages with their friends and ask that their friends share them with their friends and so on. We expect this method to spread like wildfire. We will also place the video messages on YouTube and on OVAN Ministries official website. 
The Church without walls will grow by friends sharing God's Word with friends. Our virtual audience will be given an opportunity to donate to OVAN Ministries through our PayPal account with instructions that will be listed at the end of each video message and on the ministry/church website.

2. Feed the homeless. OVAN Ministries will seek out a local ministry/church that feed and serve the homeless community in Columbia,SC. That ministry is, Christ Central Ministries. We will make monthly contributions to that ministry in support of their mission to serve the homeless. As our ministry grow, we will seek out another local ministry/church that serve the homeless and assist them financially also.

Assist ministries that are leading souls to Christ. By word of mouth from the ministry leaders, we will seek out local churches that are Christ like, who's mission is leading souls to Christ and make contributions. As OVAN Ministries grow, we will seek ministries/Churches outside for our local community who function under the same purpose, leading souls to Christ.

Ovan Ministries Articles of Faith

Our Articles of faith below, exemplify our mission, purpose and vision of how we will lead souls to Christ and fullfill our calling through practical application of the scriptures within our Ministry. 
Click Here For PDF

Social Media friendly

No longer a church of the past.
 Pull out your cell phones, tablets and other devices and lets connect through the word of God!

Lets start a conversation

Do you know about Christ and are you willing to accept the challenge of going above and beyond to learn more about our Savior of the World?

Meet Our Team

Orbry Van Ellis, Pastor and CEO

He received a license from The American  Free Will Baptist Church in 1991 and also received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Religion and Philosophy from
Benedict College, in Columbia, South Carolina.
Mr. Van Ellis served 22 years of active service in the United States Army, and was discharged honorably. He was strategically placed in various places all over to world leading individuals to Christ by proclaiming His gospel during his military career. He was able to share the gospel to individuals on every continent in the world except Australia and Antartica and was directed by the Lord to carry His Gospel to all parts of the world.

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